Using renaming schemes

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Data of the copied/renamed assemblies are given in columns. These data can be changed by entering the text into the selected cell or applying the renaming schemes to the entire column. You cannot change the content of two columns – Current location and Current file name.



Active Column



The renaming schemes are applied to the active column. The active column has a header highlighted in bold (see the figure above). The column becomes active once you place the cursor on it.


Currently, the Assembly Copier supports the following component renaming schemes:

1.Prefix/Suffix – selects prefix and suffix and component counter.

2.Replace – replaces the text found in the line with that from the selected line.

3.Tree Counter – renames using a hierarchy counter.


hmtoggle_plus1Prefix/Sufix & Counter - selects prefix and suffix and component counter
hmtoggle_plus1Replace - replaces the text found in the line with that from the selected line
hmtoggle_plus1Tree Counter - renames using a hierarchy counter
hmtoggle_plus1Copying values from one column to another
hmtoggle_plus1Changing individual item values
hmtoggle_plus1Aplication of a renaming scheme developed by the user